We are all inherently good

While exceptionally difficult to do, if I could boil down the amalgamation of my personal and professional philosophies into one sentence — this would be it.

We are all inherently good.

We all have worth and deserve to feel it at every moment (unconditionally!). All of us are made of lovingkindness. Understanding that is when the heart feels at home. In many ways, what we think of as growth and healing is actually recognizing this truth.

One way to arrive at that truth is to become familiar with your inner refuge.

 Your inner refuge is: 

  • Aware in the here and now

  • Strong and non-reactive

  • Unperturbed by changing moods, thoughts, body sensations, and interactions with others

  • Intuitive and quiet, non-conceptual, not thinking

  • Feels like a still water pool deep within

  • Restorative and restful

While it may be a lifelong journey to connect to our goodness, my life’s work is to support others on this exploration as I, too, explore it for me. 

We are in this together.

While suffering is a part of this human experience, it's also instrumental in waking up to what is essential.

When we wake up to what is essential, we feel at home in our hearts wherever we roam.

This is where our work together comes in.

By immersing ourselves in beneficial (and proven!) heart-centered practices, we can all learn to incline the mind toward our innately calm heart center from which arises limitless healing wisdom. We may not get the job or maybe that friendship is ending, but those external circumstances do not dictate our value.

We are capable of being balanced amongst the most turbulent life experiences and emotional storms. This heart center is strong.

This is our inner refuge where we can truly rest and feel the most contentment.

Would you like to journey with me to find your inner refuge?